Sci-Fi Storm

Jackson ponders his own demise

by on Oct.07, 2002, under Movies

Samuel Jackson seems to be letting the cat out of the bag regarding the fate of his Star Wars character, Jedi Master Mace Windu – he’s gonna die. He’s met with George Lucas regarding his death, but George doesn’t know just how it will happen yet. However, we’re told he is the most important person to die in the upcoming film – not much of a spoiler, since we know who has to live to be in A New Hope

4 Comments for this entry

  • Anonymous Coward

    A nitpick–but not.

    I just want to note here that the title of this post does not contain the words ‘star wars’ or ‘spoiler’. Sure. It’s not a big spoiler. Not like when Slashdot spoilered Qui Gon’s death in EpI in a completely offhand way. And no, I’m not surprised (or upset) that you let me know that Mace was going to die (heck, we don’t even know for sure that it’s gonna happen in EpIII. Just likely). But in my role as a member of the Spoiler Volunteer Police Association (we have armbands and khaki pants) I object to the lack of a spolier alert.

    ps. Laffing at self and serious at same time.

    • Doc

      Re:A nitpick–but not.

      I admit – I meant to put ina spoiler warning – but 1) I forgot and 2) It’s hard to put one in the Slashdot fashion and still be able to report it. I’m still trying to figure out how best to do it. But apparently it’s also fairly well known. The original article which I forgot to link to and is now off the site had a slightly bigger spoiler right in the text as well.

      • Anonymous Coward

        Re:A nitpick–but not.

        ….which is why I don’t read any Star Wars news on any site but No spoilers there. Or at least no unofficial ones. Perhaps the title could be “EpIII Jacson Interviws”

    • Optical Voodoo Man

      Re:A nitpick–but not.

      I agree with you totally about spoilers in news. There is nothing I hate more than to have some of the subtle little plot twists of a story ruined for me by a thoughtless review. A warning is good, but lets face it, I know I’m going to read it anyway.

      But you do know that in a little movie called Star Wars, a guy called Obi Wan told a guy called Luke that a guy called Darth killed all of the Jedi Knights, right? How much of a spoiler could this be? Why would George Lucas need to tell Samuel L. Jackson that the Jedis all die at Anikin’s hand?

      I can see George Lucas now, telling Samuel L. Jackson that he has to die in the movie, in a quivery kind of way. Then seeing his face as Samuel responds “You read the Bible, George? ‘Cause there’s this passage that I’ve memorized…”

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