Sci-Fi Storm

Some answers from Syfy about Caprica

by on Oct.29, 2010, under Television

After the announcement of the cancellation of Caprica Wednesday, there has been a lot of fan response – and a lot of it directed squarely at Syfy’s Twitter account. Craig Engler, the SVP of Syfy Digital and head Tweet, has crafted some responses, and I thought I’d pass them along…

“You never liked the show and never wanted it to be a success”

We love #Caprica & spent years of effort creating and supporting the series to try and make it a success. We want all our shows to succeed.

Q) Why aren’t you making another season of #Caprica?

A) We want to but there aren’t enough viewers to support another season. We can only make shows if enough people watch them.

Q) Isn’t that your fault for not marketing it properly?

Through marketing, enough viewers sampled #Caprica to make it a success, but many of those didn’t come back for further episodes.

Q) Isn’t that because you moved it from Friday to Tuesday?

A) #Caprica was not successful on Friday so we moved it to Tuesday (our most successful night) in an attempt to introduce it to new viewers.

Q) Didn’t the hiatus between the first halves of the season kill the show’s momentum?

A) The viewers who came back after the hiatus declined with each episode, which simply means that, for whatever reason, they didn’t like it.

Q) Did you cancel #Caprica so you could make Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome?

A) No, we would have made Blood and Chrome if we kept #Caprica. We wish Caprica had done well enough so we could have both on the air.

Q) Why are you showing the last 5 episodes next year instead of this year?

A) Looking at the rest of our shows & schedule it makes the most sense, although we know it’s not an ideal scenario. But they WILL air.


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