Sci-Fi Storm

Archive for November 4th, 2010

Doctor Who Experience to open in London in February

by on Nov.04, 2010, under Fun Stuff, Television

Fancy a chance to experience a little time travel? The BBC is opening the Doctor Who Experience on February 16th, 2011 at London’s Olympia Two, where it will stay until sometime in 2012 when it will relocate to Cardiff for the longer term (and be near the current production offices). The exhibit will include costumes, the Tom Baker-era TARDIS exterior, and the TARDIS sets from both David Tennant and Peter Davison – along with newer items like the Pandorica and monsters and enemies from across time. And there will also be an interactive experience, where you can star in your own serial! “The Doctor Who Experience is a fan’s dream come true – a fully interactive adventure that will allow viewers of the show to get as close as possible to some of the scariest monsters from the series,” according to producer/writer Steven Moffat. “It will also be the first time that Doctor Who artefacts from all the show’s 47 year history – classic and new – will be on display together, many of them being seen for the first time. And never mind that, this is the day the Doctor teaches you how to fly the TARDIS through time and space, and takes you into battle with all his deadliest enemies in a brand new adventure. So steady your nerves and bring your own sofa – the Doctor needs you!”

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