Sci-Fi Storm

Stargate Universe series finale preview: “Gauntlet”

by on May.03, 2011, under Television

Sadly, Stargate Universe ends its run next Monday.

In the sneak peek clip of the Series Finale of Stargate Universe, Eli and Rush think they’ve found a way to control the drones so that the Destiny can navigate to other planets to re-supply and ultimately reach the end of the galaxy. As Eli begins to break down the findings for the Colonel it is revealed that the drones are literally waiting at every gate between their current location and the edge of the galaxy. Basically, Eli thinks they’re screwed. Watch the clip and tune into the finale on Monday at 9/8c only on Syfy to find out if the Destiny can make it through the minefield of drones and find the other end safely.

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1 Comment for this entry

  • RunningWolf


    The Stargate movie & multiple series it spawned are some of the best Sci-Fi shows ever!!! They are almost as good as Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek. In some ways the Stargate series are better, but not when you consider that they came almost 40 years later.

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