Rangers trailer at Rings theaters?
by Doc on Nov.25, 2001, under Television
If you make it to the openings of Lord of the Rings, you may be lucky enough to see a trailer for the other LotR – Babylon 5: Legend of the Rangers. According to JMS (attached to another posting): “…for those going to the Lord
of the Rings when it opens up, there will be a Legend of the Rangers trailer
shown in most of the theaters carrying that film, plus some will get B5:LoTR
trading cards.”
Update 11/28: They will not be giving out trading cards…Read More for JMS’ update…
Here is an update from JMS:
“PS to my prior note…I stooged it. SFC mentioned trading cards and the LoTR
screening trailer in the same breath, and I thought the two were connected.
Apparently they’re doing *electronic* trading cards, fully interactive, with
video from the movie and efx and stuff, that are now available from scifi.com,
not your basic paper trading cards. Apologies for the confusion, it’s a
lifestyle thing with me.