The Little Sci-Fi Forum that Could!
by Doc on Nov.26, 2001, under General News
PsiProne writes “I just wanted to plug my sci-fi message board. Hope no one minds! My message board is called The Sci-Fi Alliance. It has sci-fi topics ranging from Babylon 5 to X-Files. It also has a “HomeWorlds” section where members can create an area for themselves. One called Federation Outpost is basically a log done by one of the members based on fictional Star Trek missions they go on. It also has…” Read More for the full details of The Sci-Fi Alliance…
PsiProne writes “I just wanted to plug my sci-fi message board. Hope no one minds! My message board is called The Sci-Fi Alliance. It has sci-fi topics ranging from Babylon 5 to X-Files. It also has a “HomeWorlds” section where members can create an area for themselves. One called Federation Outpost is basically a log done by one of the members based on fictional Star Trek missions they go on. It also has an RPG on Mutant X which is just getting started. Our most posted forum is a General Discussion area where discussion on almost any topic goes on. So far we have over 300 members and growing, 20 of them will post during any given week. Just recently I released a list of our 33 most important and active members. Maybe one of them could be you in the future?
If you want to meet some nice and carefree people, The Sci-Fi Alliance is the place to go. The board is hosted by and you’ll have to register an alias with them if you’d like to join in on the fun and post with us. Hope I’ll be seeing you soon.
Here’s the link: The Sci-Fi Alliance “