Sci-Fi Storm

B5 DVD due next week; third Techno-Mage novel out

by on Nov.27, 2001, under General News

Just a reminder: the third Techno-Mage novel by our friend Jeanne Cavelos, [asin=0345438337]Invoking Darkness[/asin], is out today, and the first Babylon 5 DVD, [asin=B00005NTNP]In the Beginning/The Gathering[/asin], is due out in the US next Tuesday, December 4th – and word is from other regions where it is already out is that it is great. Follow the links to order them today from, or head over to the Babylon 5 Store for more goodies. And a thanks to all of you who have already ordered…

1 Comment for this entry

  • djryan

    Region 2

    And if the Amazon advance order page is anything to go by, it looks like we’ll have to order each movie seperately for full price.

    Yet again, Region 2 gets screwed 😉

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