Sci-Fi Storm

Star Trek actors break record on Weakest Link

by on Nov.27, 2001, under General News

No spoilers here, just a note that the just-aired Weakest Link special with actors from the various Star Trek series featured the biggest pot in the shows American history so far – $167,500. These guys were pretty smart. Also, it appears that Roxann Dawson (B’Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager) took offense at a comment from Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher, Star Trek: The Next Generation), prompting an apology on his web site.

Update 11/29: The site is accessible now…

2 Comments for this entry

  • Anonymous Coward

    So, what did he say that offended her?

    and what did the apology say? Can’t read it on his site if it’s down …

  • Doc

    Re:So, what did he say that offended her?

    Apparently it may have been mishandled on both sides. Apparently she claims it was a joke (and prodded by the producers to make some juicy negative remarks), but I’m not so sure…

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