First pass at Review Guide
by Doc on Oct.16, 2002, under General News
OK, Read More for a first pass at a review guide, and leave your comments. I’m looking at a 25 point system, with 0-5 points each for the following: Plot/Story, Character, Visuals, Nitpicks, Overall.
25 point system. 0-5 points each for:
Plot/Story: How good was it? Did it make sense? In the case of a segment of
a series, did it move the overall arc somewhere?
- 0 – We’re talking “Plan 9” here, without the unintentional comedy factor
- 5 – Think Babylon 5, “Severed Dreams”
Character: Was there character development? Did they feel real? Was the
acting good?
- 0 – A brick could have been substituted and I wouldn’t have noticed
- 5 – I loved him like a family member
Visuals: Breathtaking or bland? In the case of non-visual media, how well could you picture it in your mind?
- 0 – I could have done better with cardboard and a Super8 camera.
- 5 – Even ILM doesn’t get this good.
Nitpicks: OK, we all love to pick at things. How badly did you nitpick?
- 0 – One word. “Armageddon”.
- 5 – Solid. Watertight. We are talking hermitically sealed. Not even a technobabblion particle used.
Overall: Basically, how well you liked it. This isn’t an average of the
others, but a measure of your own response.
- 0 – I can’t believe I ever watched this [comments deleted]
- 5 – Wow. It will never be deleted from my TiVo.
The total will then be reflected as an average from 0-5, for which I hope to have some sort of graphic.