Bruce Campbell signs for 2 SCI FI pictures
by Doc on Nov.01, 2002, under Television
The star of the Evil Dead films has just signed a 2 film deal for the SCI FI Channel. Bruce Campbell, best known as Ash in the cult fave films as well as starring roles in Brisco County and Jack of All Trades as well as guest stints on Xena, will write, direct, star in and produce his own project, The Man with the Screaming Brain, as well as Earwigs, inspired by the mind-controlling brain-slugs of Ceti Alpha 5 in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
November 1st, 2002 on 5:36 pm
duke nukem
bruce cambell would make a perfect duke nukem, if any company were lunatic enough to do that movie 🙂
November 1st, 2002 on 10:05 pm
Re:duke nukem
Obviously you aren’t aware of the enmity between the Evil Dead people and the Duke Nukem people regarding some of Duke’s lines…