Sci-Fi Storm

Firefly Petition

by on Nov.11, 2002, under Television

Anonymous Coward writes “There’s a petition asking Fox to give Firefly a chance despite less than stellar Neilsons. To me, this show has the most potential since Crusade, so let’s make sure Joss gets a chance to develop it!”

3 Comments for this entry

  • Anonymous Coward

    Firefly = Outlaw Star/Cowboy Bebop Ripoff…

    Screw Firefly. Try coming up with something ORIGINAL instead of swiping ideas (a-la Disney) from our overseas friends, thinking lack of exposure to said friends’ products will equal “Hey, we’re original!”

    • Anonymous Coward

      Re:Firefly = Outlaw Star/Cowboy Bebop Ripoff…

      I agree, more of an OS ripoff though. I’d rather see a petition to make being an overprotective soccer mom illegal, maybe then more people would notice the ripoff-ness.

  • Optical Voodoo Man

    Was it even canceled yet???

    What I don’t like about Firefly (besides the fact I don’t really like the show itself) is that it seems geared towards a cult following, before there even is a cult following. Almost like the writers were told: “we need to have a cult following, make it so.” There’s too much hype about how edgy the show is. Now they want a petition before the show is even canceled. Someone is trying to drum up a big following with more effort than they spend on the writing.

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