Sci-Fi Storm

More Farscape?

by on Mar.22, 2003, under Television

Raetsel writes “Well, the “final” episode of Farscape has aired… but what to our wondering eyes should appear at the end?

    “To Be Continued…”

Most interesting. Perhaps it means the effort of all the fans out there has paid off? Here’s hoping!”

2 Comments for this entry

  • soulboy

    Not indicative of a future…..

    The Episode was filmed before the final decision to kill the series was made, and was to be a season ending cliffhanger….
    More than likely, it will just drive us mad…
    If they had cut out the last 30 seconds, there might have been some closure.

  • step

    i actually need this…

    i actually need this damn series to stay insane đŸ™‚

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