Sci-Fi Storm

Update 2: Stores back online

by on Apr.09, 2003, under General News

My DSL line appears to be out, and I won’t get home until later to check it out, so the Storm stores are currently offline. It managed to correctly adjust to an IP change earlier this week, but this seems to be a bigger issue. I was going to do some testing with new forum software too…

Update: The line is up again. IP address has changed again, but DNS servers should pick it up quickly – you may need to restart your browser. For the techies – lets just say I hate PPPoE.Update 4/10: Another IP change. Give it time to get out. I was having strange routing issues to one particular destination (where the main server is, of course), and Verizon suggested I restart yet again – this time though I got an address that looked more in line with my previous ones. Still not sure it is working right, but…

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