Farscape to return?
by Doc on Nov.15, 2003, under Television
Raetsel writes “According to Ain’t It Cool News, there are rumors flying that “4 to 6 new episodes” of Farscape are being produced! This excited buzz comes as a result of Wednesday’s Dark Horizons news update and a TV Guide Online announcement of a press conference that apparently didn’t happen. (The fact that it was posted to Fark doesn’t hurt the buzz factor either!) Should be interesting to see what develops.” This would be most cool.
November 16th, 2003 on 9:28 am
Further info
Okay, just caught a note on CNN’s superticker:
“Sci-Fi channel series ‘Farscape’ to return as stand-alone miniseries.”
Interesting. There’s enough going on here that the mainstream media has picked up the story. But as a ‘miniseries’..? What are they going to do with that format? (Are they re-test-marketing the show again or something?) At least this story keeps gaining more and more steam…
And for more fuel on the fire, Slashdot picked this up with the headline “Farscape is Back” and plenty of juicy comments.
November 16th, 2003 on 12:24 pm
Re:Further info
Don’t forget – a number of Farscape episodes fit into the Doctor Who-like “series of miniseries”. There were quite a few multi-episode storylines. I think a new miniseries format would be fine…except there’s always the question as to whether there will be another. Like the fate of some series that become “movie of the week” episodes before finally being cancelled when no one knew when another would be on…