by Doc on May.26, 2004, under General News
Ricky Claydon writes “Check out the latest issue of dreamwatch magazine: ALIEN VS PREDATOR director Paul W.S. Anderson offers dreamwatch an exclusive preview of the action-packed sci-fi crossover movie!
All this and much, much more in dreamwatch Issue #118!
ON SALE 27 MAY (UK) 15 JUNE (US)” I’d like some feedback on these – are these useful to people? I’m leery about just becoming a free advertisement service…
May 26th, 2004 on 11:12 pm
“News items”
You can read all about my opinion on these ads in dreamwatch issue #118.
May 27th, 2004 on 2:13 pm
keep them, but maybe edit them
One option is to post the story but not quote it. E.g., “<poster> wrote in to point out that there’s an interview with <actor> from <show> in <magazine> issue x due out on <date>. The article covers <topic1> and <topic2>.”
I’ve seen other sites do that.