Sci-Fi Storm

Updated: Ben Browder joining Stargate SG-1

by on Dec.15, 2004, under Television

The SCI FI Channel has announced that Ben Browder (John Crichton from Farscape) will be joining the cast of Stargate SG-1 next season, but no details on the role. Negotiations are still in progress on bringing Richard Dean Anderson in some capacity. The eighth season of both Stargate series picks up again on January 21st, followed by the new Battlestar Galactica. Update 12/20: SCI FI Wire reports that Ben will play a “Lieutenant Colonel” (name hasn’t cleared legal yet). It’s not a character seen before, but “played a key role in some major events that went on.”

2 Comments for this entry

  • chad

    Richard Dean Anderson

    What’s this about Richard Dean Anderson—is he thinking of leaving the series?

    • Doc

      Re:Richard Dean Anderson

      It is fairly well known that since he now has a family, he doesn’t like commuting all the way up to Vancouver for filming, and has been seeking a reduced role over the past few years. that’s part of the reason for his promotion to a desk job. I believe this past season he was only on set a few days per week.

      I’m not sure if he is begging off completely, or asking for even more of a reduction. I haven’t heard much on that front.

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