Archive for April 4th, 2005
Sci-fi excerpt: Cradle’s Children
by Doc on Apr.04, 2005, under Stories
DarkSyde writes “(The following is an except from a never ending sci-fi book/novel/project/hobby of mine. I’ve had a lot of trouble with this section. It’s clumsy and crude and just doesn’t flow like I want it to. I think I can work that out, and the basic idea is half decent and imaginative, or so I have deluded myself into believing. But I need any constructive criticism for the abio/biochem which I can tell is hopelessly infantile, as well as anything else that sticks out. Anyway, hope you enjoy it. It’s also copy write protected, but I give permission to reproduce this in part or in whole if proper attribution is given and a link to UTI at kend_science_3.html is provided)” Read More for the full excerpt.