Sci-Fi Storm

Archive for July 26th, 2005

The SciFi Zone Radio Show Announces Updated Time Slot

by on Jul.26, 2005, under General News

Angela Duplis writes “Tuesday, July 26, 2005


The SciFi Zone Radio Show Announces Updated Time Slot

Orlando, FL (July 26, 2005) ? The SciFi Zone Radio Show will be reformatting to a one hour show with a time slot of Saturday 11pm to midnight in Orlando, FL (EST), 10pm to 11pm in Kansas City, MO (CST) and Sunday 11pm to midnight in Tampa, FL (EST) beginning Saturday, August 6th .

?This is a good thing,? commented John Fuld, Executive Producer of the show. ?When we started to syndicate, we thought we had to have a two hour format down.? However, after consulting with their syndication company, Radio Linx, The SciFi Zone learned more stations are able to pick them up with a one hour format. ?Sometimes you have to take a step back before moving forward,? says the show?s producer, Frank Dowler.

Apparently, that?s proving to be true with at least three new markets interested in the show with their new format.

About the SciFi Zone
The SciFi Zone Radio Show has been airing in the Central Florida area for almost two years making appearances at events and conventions throughout the southeastern region. The show features segments such as the Animinute, Club and Convention Zone along with guest interviews. For more information, please see their website at


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