Sci-Fi Storm

Archive for October, 2006

Serenity sequel will not happen – sort of

by on Oct.07, 2006, under Movies

Joss Whedon made a comment on that there was no Serenity sequel in the works, squashing rumors that there were. In the process, a number of people seem to think this means there will NEVER be a sequel – including IGN. However, given a followup comment it seems people have gone off the deep end. Absolutely nothing is in the works, and he will not work on it – unless asked to by a studio. In other words, he isn’t going to work on it on his own time. Still, I think it will be unlikely that another production will come about.

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Eureka gets second season

by on Oct.05, 2006, under Television

Eureka, which just finished its first 13-episode season on the SCI FI Channel, has been renewed for a second season of 13 episodes. I am a bit behind on the TiVo, but I have thoroughly enjoyed the show, mainly for the humor – the science is a bit ridiculous. Is everyone else enjoying the show?

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Lost premieres tomorrow night

by on Oct.04, 2006, under Television

So, what happened in the hatch? What about Jack, Sawyer, and Kate? And just what does the Hanso Foundation do? We should find out – maybe – starting Wednesday night at 9PM ET.

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Abrams Tanks Battle Genetically Enhanced Super Hum

by on Oct.03, 2006, under Books

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