Archive for August 8th, 2007
Trek XI: Cruise as Pike?
by Doc on Aug.08, 2007, under Movies
It’s kind of out there, and kind of unlikely, but IGN is reporting that J.J. Abrams has been wooing Tom Cruise to play a bit part in Star Trek XI as a younger Captain Christopher Pike, Jim Kirk’s predecessor in the center seat on the Enterprise. Strangely, I think he looks enough like Jeffrey Hunter, who played Pike in the original pilot episode, “The Cage”, that it could be pulled off. Of course, they’d need to make him look at least a foot taller…
Interview with David G. Hartwell on Space Westerns
by Doc on Aug.08, 2007, under Interviews
Anonymous Coward writes “David G. Hartwell, editor of The New York Review of Science Fiction and The Space Opera Renaissance, senior editor of Tor/Forge Books gives an interview on the topic of Space Westerns.