Sci-Fi Storm

Barrier, a proposed science fiction television series.

by on Nov.30, 2007, under Television

Sheldon Whittaker (Creator of Barrier) writes “The space race enters new heights and speeds down under, as New Zealand producer Sheldon Whittaker proposes to film a futuristic science fiction television series called ?Barrier?.

It?s the year 2439; Earth is a member of the United Alliance of Independent Worlds (UAIW), a loosely bound government that has endorsed the ?Barrier Racing League? to promote the development of faster starship engines.

The series follows the adventures of a maverick racing team that finds itself in trouble after salvaging new technology from an alien derelict. The project is currently under a submission and review process with various producers, While this process is going on we have set up several casting and show oriented polls, to let interested SF fans have some input.

We also welcome suggestions for other surveys, polls, or events that we could run.

Thank you.

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