Sci-Fi Storm

Saruman in The Hobbit?

by on Jun.04, 2008, under Movies

Could Saruman appear in the upcoming Hobbit movies? Christopher Lee is hoping so. He understands that to fill out two movies, the material will need to be expanded – and he has a wealth of knowledge about Middle Earth and the Istari (Wizards). “I’d be interested in seeing how that transition from good to evil occurred and, yes, of course I would return to the role if I was asked.” Saruman does not appear in the book, but both he and Radagast the Brown would be around at the time.

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  • chad

    The Necromancer

    In The Hobbit, Gandalf left the group to go deal with the Necromancer at the Southern edge of that great forest (the name eludes me). Gandalf and a bunch of others ganged up on the Necromancer and forced him to flee the area. I have a feeling that both Saruman and Radagast would have been involved in that action.

    So maybe they’ll include the attack on the Necromancer as part of the movie, even though it was only alluded to in the book. Especially since the Necromancer was actually a diminished Sauron, and it was Sauron as the Necromancer who managed to obtain the final Dwarven ring.

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