Sci-Fi Storm

It’s that time of year again…

by on Dec.08, 2008, under Sci-Fi Storm

…where I do what I hate most, and remind people who plan on purchasing items from Amazon to use our provided links, or patronize any other sponsor you might see…it really is our only source of income for the site, and at that generally pays the cost of the electricity of the server…by the way, for X-Files fans, I’ve added the Blu-Ray and DVD releases for I Want To Believe to the X-Files section of Sci-Fi TV Store, and hope to have a review soon…

6 Comments for this entry

  • chad

    How does this work?

    So I just click through the “Shop at” link in the left sidebar, and then anything I purchase is credited to Sci-Fi Storm?

    • Doc

      Re:How does this work?

      Yes…at least for a time – I forget the exact details, but I think anything you purchase within 60 minutes of using the link is credited. It doesn’t affect the prices at all, its just a commission on the sale.

      • PumpHunter

        Re:How does this work?

        Sorry I don’t plan on buying anything from them. But could you get some google adds? They are very discrete and often quite relevant for the sites which carries them.

  • chad

    Another Question

    Do you get anything if I purchased a used item on Amazon, or is it just for new stuff? And what about MP3s?

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