Eoin Colfer to write new Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy book…
by Doc on Feb.09, 2009, under Books
zombiejellyfish writes “Just a bit of news I found out at NYCC – Douglas Adams’ widow has selected a new author to continue the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. The new book, “And Another Thing…” will be written by Eoin Colfer (of Artemis Fowl) and is slated to release worldwide on the 30th anniversary of the publication of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, which is October 2009. The book will bring back all of Adams’ characters (Arthur, Ford, Trillian, and Zapod), and may, or may not pick up where Mostly Harmless left off. There’s a forum set up to talk about the book at www.dontpanicforum.com“ This was announced a while back, but it sounds like the release is more concrete to coincide with the anniversary.