Sci-Fi Storm

Wil Wheaton on Leverage

by on Jun.24, 2009, under Television

PumpHunter writes “Wil Wheaton, once dislike by school kids everywhere for portraying Wesley Crusher on the star ship Enterprise – a young man who actually wanted to do his homework, is going to be in an episode of TNT’s “Leverage”. Wil Wheaton told the world this via his twitter account, and posted a picture on set of himself and Leverage regular Aldis Hodge. Hodge plays Alec Hardison an all around smooth talker and computer nerd. Wheatons description of the picture suggests his role is along the same lines. Leverage returns July 15th.” Wil has definitely moved from Hated Geek to Cool Geek…he even appeared on an episode of This Week In Tech back on February.

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