Sci-Fi Storm

Archive for February 16th, 2010

Wanted: Guest authors, more traffic…

by on Feb.16, 2010, under Sci-Fi Storm

Yup, this is one of “those” posts…

Periodically, I look into the amount of work for this web site, and the amount of income it generates, and start to run through possibilities in my head. We’re closing in on 10 YEARS. That’s a long time for a web site without formal commercial support – but it also started at a time where I could not formally make money from it anyways. I solved that problem, but still, this is operates more like a hobby blog site than what I really envisioned – a news and discussion source. But what little income the site made over the years is WAY down now – no one is buying things from Amazon through our links, etc. Occasional free DVDs don’t pay bills.
(continue reading…)

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Sharktopus vs. Dinoshark?

by on Feb.16, 2010, under Television

SyFy might be aiming squarely at the B-movie market, if there is one. Not only have they given a green light to the half-shark, half-octopus monstrosity of Sharktopus! (which at least will be directed by king of B-movies, Roger Corman), but apparently SyFy and Corman are doubling up with Dinoshark, which comes out March 13th – even though they just announced it.

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