Sci-Fi Storm

Archive for June, 2011

Stargate clearance sale this weekend

by on Jun.16, 2011, under Television

Need a Stargate to finish off your living room? Military uniforms? A Stargate Command chair? Well, now’s your chance – at least if you can be at Bridge Studios in Burnaby, BC, Canada this Friday and Saturday. Liquidator Maynards is is conducting a liquidation sale of assets associated with the Stargate franchise. It doesn’t appear that you can purchase anything online, however :(.

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Felicia Day, Wil Wheaton and Stan Lee to guest star in upcoming Eureka episodes

by on Jun.15, 2011, under Television

Eureka is returning on July 11th on Syfy, and if you follow the right people on Twitter, you know that Felicia Day and Wil Wheaton are reprising their previous guest roles over multiple-episode arcs – since they tweeted incessantly about it 🙂 (just kidding guys…love your tweets!). Each will appear in a 7-episode arc.

Felicia Day (Web series The Guild, Red) plays Dr. Holly Marten, a quirky Department of Defense visitor to Eureka tasked with evaluating eager candidates for a special mission that has been given to Global Dynamics and will pit the town’s scientists against one another. Day’s story arc will begin July 18th.
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Sanctuary preview: “Into the Black”

by on Jun.15, 2011, under Television

In the next sneak peek clip of the season finale of Sanctuary. In the aftermath of destruction, the team faces an even bigger threat – guest starring WWE’s Edge. Will wants to know who started all the chaos and is led to a tent where the guys who stirred the destruction are located. A whole slew of abnormals are being reminded by guest star Edge to remember that once a Praxian, always a Praxian. Will and the team know they have to get to the bottom of this quickly before it gets worse. Be sure to watch the clip and tune in for the finale on Monday at 10/9c only on Syfy!
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Next Doctor Who series will not be all in 2012

by on Jun.14, 2011, under Television

So although the BBC has confirmed that Matt Smith will return as the Doctor for 14 more full episodes of Doctor Who, BBC journalist Lizo Mzimba is tweeting that amid some confusion at a conference where BBC One controller Danny Cohen was speaking and remarked that there wouldn’t be a “full” series of Doctor Who in 2012. Apparently he made a comment that show runner and writer Steven Moffat was busy with the next Sherlock series, which wasn’t meant to be serious, but apparently the BBC is having to follow up on the comment and is saying that the next series will be split up between 2012 and 2013 – but no idea on how and when at this point.

So it looks like there will be a long wait for our next fix, after this year’s Christmas special.

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Star Wars live action series may be shot in Prague – in 3 or 4 years

by on Jun.13, 2011, under Movies, Television

A bit of the “I Toldja!” – in an interview with producer Rick McCallum for, he confirmed that there only have 50 “third draft” scripts for the live action Star Wars series, not 50 hours “in the can” as was so widely reported, but we seriously doubted…but he also gave a lot more information about the show than we’ve gotten so far.

The article primarily dealt with how the Czech Republic may for into plans to produce the series – the country is a developing hotbed for TV and movie productions due to costs and locations available. And some of the Lucas and McCallum produced “Young Indiana Jones Chronicles” was shot in the capital of Prague, as was most of Red Tails, a Lucasfilm production about the Tuskegee Airmen that will be released next January. And it looks like this Star Wars series may got shot there as well – but don’t go buying your airline tickets yet.

“The TV series is on hold, but that has nothing to do with the Czech Republic; it has to do with [the episodes being] so ambitious,” McCallum told Czech Position. “We have 50 hours of third-draft scripts, but the problem we have is there is a lot of digital animation; we don’t have the technology yet to be able to do them at a price that is safe for television. Since we would be financing them, it would be suicide for us to do this [now]. So we are going to wait three or four years.” And perhaps even more distressing is that even then, he thinks it might be impossible. “Network television and cable television as we know it are completely imploding, so we’re not really sure that in five years’ time we can release a dramatic one-hour episode because it is all reality TV now,” he added.

But we get a hint of the plot. “Basically, it is like The Godfather; it’s the Empire slowly building up its power base around the galaxy, what happens in Coruscant, which is the major capital, and it’s [about] a group of underground bosses who live there and control drugs, prostitution,” McCallum said.

Well, at least we have an idea of what we may never see…

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Director’s commentary on River Song’s big reveal – SPOILERS

by on Jun.12, 2011, under Television

So, now that the world knows who River Song is – at least if you’ve seen “A Good Man Goes To War” – here is a bit of the director’s commentary from the scene we’ve been waiting for for years. MAJOR SPOILER WARNING: This shows that scene in tandem with the director, so if you haven’t seen the episode yet, be sure to watch it FIRST.

I can tell you in general that Steven Moffat is an evil genius though. Part of what is happening has been an idea of his for 16 years – a line River says stems almost word for word from a UseNet post he made in 1995…and the episode teases a number of times at some of the theories that have popped up over who River is…
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Find out what makes one of the Alphas

by on Jun.10, 2011, under Television

Think you might have what it takes to be one of the Alphas? Check out some of the following videos showing their powers, and then head over to and find out if you do qualify…I’ll post some more videos on the weekend.
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Disney hands 7-figure sum to Lost exec Lindelof to pen secret SF project?

by on Jun.09, 2011, under Movies

Mike Fleming over at Deadline is reporting that Disney has given screenwriter and Lost executive producer Damon Lindelof a seven-figure paycheck to work on a script, about which the only things we know are that it is a large-scale SF picture, and that it has a working title of 1952, but the latter could mean anything. Lindelof is in high demand: Cowboys and Aliens is getting tons of great press and doesn’t even open for more than a month, he rescued the Ridley Scott Alien prequel plot and made it a standalone film, and he’s expected to run full bore for the Star Trek sequel before working full time on this project.

But this isn’t just a movie…they’ve used the buzzword “multiplatform”. So expect games and web tie-ins at least.

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Sanctuary preview: “Out of the Blue”

by on Jun.08, 2011, under Television

In the next sneak peek clip of an all-new episode of Sanctuary, Magnus awakens from a deep slumber to fear. She quickly fights her surroundings where she’s half submerged in a tank of water with gadgets and tech gizmos monitoring her. The decision is made to up her meds to send her back into her slumber. However, did she really awaken to this scientific lab, or was that all a nightmare as well. Watch the clip and decide for yourself on the next episode airing Monday at 10/9c only on Syfy!

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