Want more Captain Jack in Doctor Who – tell the BBC, says Barrowman
by Doc on Sep.09, 2011, under Television
In case you haven’t heard (because you are somewhere stuck outside the space-time continuum), the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who is just two years away (sad that nowadays that seems to close, at least in the entertainment industry), and actor John Barrowman would LOVE to appears as Captain Jack Harkness on the show again, and appear with 11th Doctor Matt Smith (which would be his third Doctor, which I think elevates his multi-Doctor companion status to levels only exceeded by Elisabeth Sladen and Brigadier Nicholas Courtney, both of who sadly passed away this year).
But if you want to see them together, you need to ask the BBC, according to Barrowman. “I don’t think it’s a question of whether I would like to come back as Captain Jack, I’d be very happy to do that any time. I know the fans would really like that. But it’s a decision left up to the BBC and the drama department.” Captain Jack currently belongs with the Torchwood gang, which is still run by Russell T. Davies, whereas Doctor Who is now run by Steven Moffat. So it would really likely be up to Moffat to bring Jack back, and he isn’t talking about the anniversary much yet.
But it seems if you want to see it happen, it can’t hurt to start letting the BBC know…