Sci-Fi Storm

Transformers: The Ride 3D Super Bowl ad

by on Feb.06, 2012, under Fun Stuff, Movies

This May an all new ride at Universal Studios Hollywood will open up: Transformers: The Ride 3D, a 3D attraction themed around the Transformers movie franchise and even director Michael Bay collaborated on the original version that opened in Universal Studios Singapore.

For those that watched the Super Bowl, and stayed watching during the commercials, caught an interesting ad, that looked an awful lot like a live broadcast…

Unfortunately, it doesn’t show any of the actual ride, but I’ve heard it described as functionally similar to the “The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man” attraction in Orlando and Japan, but with more modern technology. Incidentally, the Spider-Man attraction in Orlando is getting a digital make-over, closing this week and re-opening in March.

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