New John Carter extended scene – does it help?
by Doc on Feb.26, 2012, under Movies
OK, this looks like the first salvo from Disney’s renewed marketing push…an extended scene involving John Carter’s battle with the white apes in the gladiator ring, plus another trailer-type montage following it.
Does this improve things? At first, I was thinking how fake the whole jumping and landing looked – but then again, he’s supposedly fighting on a world with less gravity – maybe it isn’t so far fetched.
February 26th, 2012 on 6:50 pm
The book describes John as jumping 150 into the air due to his Earth trained muscles. So the movie is at least consistent there.
February 26th, 2012 on 7:35 pm
I knew he had the ability, I was thinking more in terms of the quality of the effects…after looking at it again though, I think they are actually reasonable for the situation and Burroughs original understanding of Mars – not necessarily accurate by today’s understanding of the planet, but neither is it being occupied by lots of aliens 🙂