Sci-Fi Storm

Recovered Doctor Who episodes likely not real?

by on Jun.25, 2013, under Television

Ugh…this is just getting crazy, so this will be the last I write on the subject unless I get some reliable information that changes things…but Bleeding Cool is now reporting that TV Archivist Philip Morris, who was believed to be at the center of the episode recovery rumor, issued a statement including “THEY ARE NOT MISSING BUT DESTROYED THE END.”, that only fragments and perhaps two 16mm episodes have been found, and will not comment further.

It also quotes a tweet from Ian Levine, who just a few days ago had said he’d seen “proof”, which says, “Deeply sick, distressed, disheartend, all hopes dashed, all joy gone from the world. That’s it. DO NOT ASK ME TO SAY ANOTHER WORD” However, that tweet has since been removed. His tweets since seem a little more hopeful, but it appears he likewise does not plan to comment further.

So the search goes on…


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