Sci-Fi Storm


Rowling tells Radcliffe no more Harry Potter films

by on Nov.16, 2010, under Books, Movies

In a quick followup to our previous article about Daniel Radcliffe saying he did not want to see more Harry Potter, Radcliffe told MTV News at the NYC premiere for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 he received a text from J.K. Rowling that told him that she would not make any more Harry Potter films, “as a reward”. I’ll note that this does not say that she won’t write any more Harry Potter books, and certainly does not preclude more stories in the Wizarding World…

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Radcliffe does not want more Harry Potter

by on Nov.11, 2010, under Books, Movies

It seems that Daniel Radcliffe may not have been pleased to hear that author J.K. Rowling could write more Harry Potter books (she mentioned the possibility on Oprah last month). “Oh God, she promised me categorically that there wouldn’t be another book involving Harry,” he said in an interview with Sky News. “I think 10 years is a long time to spend with one character.” I suppose it would depend on what stories she wanted to tell, though….obviously if its going back to a younger Harry, he probably wouldn’t be in the movie – if a movie were to even be made.

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More Harry Potter?

by on Oct.01, 2010, under Books

Could there be more Harry Potter books in the future? To no one’s surprise, J.K. Rowling said it’s a possibility. On the Oprah Winfrey show aired earlier today she said, “”I could definitely write an eighth, ninth, tenth” book. She isn’t sure though. “I don’t think I will … I feel I am done, but you never know.” It sounds as if she might have the ideas for three more books, but really isn’t ready to revisit the former boy wizard – yet.

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Harlan Ellison dying?

by on Sep.23, 2010, under Books, Conventions

Harlan Ellison, in a phone interview The Daily Page, says he is dying. His health has been recently failing and there was some question as to whether he’d participate in person at MadCon 2010 (which kicks off tomorrow), where he is the Guest of Honor. “The truth of what’s going on here is that I’m dying,” he said. “An old dog senses when it’s his time — dogs have that capacity; nobody doubts that. Nobody. But everybody doubts when you say, ‘I’m dying.’ They think you’re being a Victorian actress. They think you’re doing Bernhardt.” He WILL be at MadCon, however (and it is planned to be his last con), and will answer all questions – except perhaps whether he really threw a fan down an elevator shaft…

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How Sulu got a name, and how McIntyre wrote Trek novels

by on Jul.06, 2010, under Books

Stumbled upon an interesting article on io9…it is about how Vonda McIntyre got into writing one of the first Star Trek tie-in novels, [asin=1451607539]”The Entropy Effect”[/asin], and how through that she gave Sulu his given name of “Hikaru”. Why? Because a love scene was awkward without it…

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The Thunder Child interviews Bill Warren

by on Jul.05, 2010, under Books

Bill Warren is perhaps best known for his seminal books on science fiction movies of the 1950s, Keep Watching the Skies, first published in two volumes in the 1980s, recently released in an expanded and updated version.

Bill was kind enough to give our Matt Sanborn an interview:
Bill Warren Interview

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Fox to adapt Fourth Realm trilogy

by on Feb.23, 2010, under Books, Television

The Fourth Realm trilogy, written by John Twelve Hawks and deal with parallel universes, secret organizations and population control, has been optioned by Fox for adaptation into a movie, with Alex Tse (Watchmen) adapting the screenplay and Gil Netter (The Blind Side) and Andrew Tennenbaum (The Bourne Identity) producing. Can anyone provide a good overview or even better a review of the books?

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Review of Burn Me Deadly and more

by on Sep.13, 2009, under Books

The Thunder Child writes “New at The Thunder Child, science fiction and fantasy webzine, a review of the new hard-boiled fantasy mystery novel, Burn Me Deadly, by Alex Bledsoe, following on from his triumph The Sword-Edged Blonde.

In addition, we’ve got a new installment of Steve Vertlieb’s Views, his tribute to the 50th anniversary of The Twilight Zone. Published concurrently with Film Music Review:

Check them out, and please enjoy”

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Teaser trailer for the upcoming The Burning Skies

by on Apr.29, 2009, under Books

Do books need to grab more attention nowadays? Because this is the best way I’ve seen yet to get someone interested in a novel…David J. Williams new novel The Burning Skies, a sequel to The Mirrored Heavens, comes out on May 19th (click on either title to order), but to grab a little extra attention it not only has a teaser trailer (Read More to see it), but also a breaking news site in addition to an extensive official site. The story follows after the terrorist group Autumn Rain has destroyed the Pheonix Space Elevator, it is now going after the Europa platform, an O’Neill-class dual-cylinder space habitat and the largest space station in existence.

(continue reading…)

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The Illust-ray-ted Man – See Him Soon!

by on Feb.23, 2009, under Books

The Thunder Child writes “A one man show featuing excerpts from the works of Ray Bradbury is playing at the Fremont Theater in Los Angeles until March 8, 2009. It’s called The Illustrated Bradbury.

Show stars Tobias Anderson, who played the Fire Captain in the first theatrical production of Fahrenheit 451 at the Colony, 30 years ago. -bradbury.html to read more.”

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