Sci-Fi Storm


The Avengers assemble records in huge weekend

by on May.06, 2012, under Comics, Movies

The Avengers might wipe out some of the bad memories of John Carter for Disney, as it is likely to surpass $185 million by the end of the weekend after scoring over $80 million just on Friday. This would put it past Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2 for the weekend box office record.

Update:: It smashed the record, breaking the $200 million barrier and besting the previous record holder by more than $30 million. There were reports from IMAX that they had to turn people away due to lack of seats.

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Laser creator comes up with “laser saber” design

by on May.04, 2012, under Fun Stuff, Movies

It is a bit on the expensive side, but it’s the closest thing to an actual lightsaber yet…the folks at Wicked Lasers, who have crafted a number of powerful but handheld lasers, including one that looked remarkably like a lightsaber hilt that for a while got them in the sights of the Lucasfilm stormtroopers, has taken the next step at Epic Geek Toy – turning it into an actual saber! It takes the form of an attachment to one of their standard S3 laser units, and creates the blade effect – including the on and off “growing” effect. However, I wouldn’t plan on doing any sort of fighting, or even slicing cheese with it – it doesn’t look like it is meant for striking anything, and at $400+, I wouldn’t risk it – but it sure looks cool…it’s still an actual laser which can be dangerous, so it is not meant for kids. But check out the video below (note: the two guys fighting are not demonstrating…)
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Second The Amazing Spider-Man HD trailer

by on May.03, 2012, under Movies

Check out the second official trailer for Sony’s upcoming The Amazing Spider-Man starring Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, Martin Sheen and Denis Leary. I’m still amazed at all the different looks Ifans gives his characters…can’t wait to see his take on the Lizard…
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EMP announces 2012 Science Fiction Hall of Fame inductees

by on May.03, 2012, under Books, General News, Movies

The EMP Museum in Seattle has announced the list of the 2012 inductees into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame.

Those being honored this year are filmmaker James Cameron; artist Virgil Finlay; author Joe Haldeman; and author James Tiptree, Jr. The new Science Fiction Hall of Fame display will be unveiled at EMP’s Icons of Science Fiction exhibition opening celebration on Friday, June 8, 2012. To purchase tickets, visit

The Science Fiction Hall of Fame honors the lives, work, and ongoing legacies of science fiction’s greatest creators. Founded in 1996, the Hall of Fame was relocated from the Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction at the University of Kansas to its permanent home at EMP in 2004. Hall of Fame nominations are submitted by EMP members. The final inductees are chosen by a panel of award-winning science fiction authors, artists, editors, publishers, and film professionals.


James Cameron, American filmmaker (1954 – ). Cameron continually redefines the cutting edge of science fiction filmmaking. In particular, The Terminator (1984), which captured the collision of our fears of nuclear terror and computer technology; Aliens (1986), a sequel that magnified and amplified the classic original; The Abyss (1989), which looked downward to the oceans as a realm of the alien; and Avatar (2009) which employed a variety of innovative filmmaking techniques to further enhance the movie-viewing experience.

Virgil Finlay, American artist (1914 – 1971). Finlay produced thousands of illustrations, flourishing in the pulp magazine era from the ’30s through the ’50s. He is especially known for his exacting and detailed scratchboard and pen-and-ink work. The stark and shadowy effects he created were well-suited to the horror and fantasy magazines, where his works frequently appeared. He also contributed more than 800 illustrations to the Sunday newspaper supplement The American Weekly, and created 19 covers for Weird Tales.

Joe Haldeman, American author (1943 – ). Haldeman burst onto the science fiction scene in 1974 with The Forever War, a novel that blended imaginative hard science fiction with a heartfelt examination of the impact of war and homecoming on the combatants. The novel won the Hugo and Nebula Awards. In the following four decades, he has built a library of quality work, notably the Worlds series, The Hemingway Hoax (1990), and Forever Peace (1997). He teaches writing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). In 2010 he received the Grand Master award from the Science Fiction Writers of America.

James Tiptree, Jr., American author (1915 – 1987). Tiptree was the pen name of Alice Sheldon, who kept her identity a secret for the majority of her career. She is best known for stories that explore sex, gender identity, male/female relations, and death. “The Last Flight of Doctor Ain” and “The Women Men Don’t See” are two notable works among many. In 1991 the James Tiptree, Jr. Award for science fiction or fantasy that expands or explores our understanding of gender was created in her honor.

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Benedict Cumberbatch on Sherlock getting his Star Trek role

by on May.02, 2012, under Movies, Television

Actor Benedict Cumberbatch, who stole the TV screen for his portrayal of Sherlock Holmes in the BBC’s modern retelling Sherlock, and will be the voice of the dragon Smaug in The Hobbit and the unconfirmed-but-everyone-is-pretty-certain-who-it-is villain in the sequel to Star Trek, appeared on VH1’s Big Morning Buzz, and discussed a bit about his Sherlock role and how he auditioned for the role on Star Trek via iPhone…check the excerpt below.

The second series of Sherlock will air on local PBS stations this weekend under Masterpiece Mystery!.
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Disney to possibly add a Star Wars land – in Paris

by on May.01, 2012, under Fun Stuff, Movies

Disney has long had a Star Wars-based attraction at 4 of it’s current theme park locations, with Star Tours at Disneyland in Anaheim, Disney’s Hollywood Studios in Walt Disney World, Tokyo Disneyland and Disneyland Paris, and recently updating the attraction at WDW with all new technology. And the recently “expansionist” moves by the company, with the new Cars Land at the California Adventure park and additions at WDW like the Fantasyland expansion at the Magic Kingdom and the announced “Avatar-land” for Animal Kingdom, a lot of Disney and Star Wars fans have felt that a larger Star Wars presence was warranted, and could easily be accommodated at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. It could even be the answer to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter over at nearby Universal Studios, which is already getting an expansion.

Star Wars Weekends are already very popular at WDW.

So it was no surprise to start hearing through the Disney rumor mill that a Star Wars land is actually being considered. What was surprising is that it appears to be aimed for Disneyland Paris, leaving U.S. fans throwing up their hands and wondering, “What about us?” They are even planning a Mos Eisley Cantina – how cool would that be? Of course, hopefully it will be more safer than the real thing…

It is uncertain just how real this is – certainly nothing is official at this point, and Disney is also known for announcing things at their parks that ultimately don’t happen. But even if Paris DOES get this, I think it is actually a GOOD sign – as it is not unknown to develop something at one park and then do it again at another park, hopefully with the kinks worked out.

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A Jedi Knight busted for hit-and-run?

by on May.01, 2012, under General News, Movies

You know, if you are going to take on the moniker of one of the most famous Jedi Knights, you probably should stay on the right side of the Force – and the law.

It seems a man who legally changed his name to “Obiwan Kenobi” back in 1999 as part of a radio stunt, was charged with leaving the scene of an accident after triggering a 5 car collision.

Now I wonder if the Lucasfilm lawyers might also want to punish him over his name…but no matter what, his record will be with him…always.

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The Avengers trailer with Joss Whedon commentary

by on Apr.30, 2012, under Movies

Check out the latest video on The Avengers, which includes director Joss Whedon’s commentary about the scuffle between team members Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) and Thor (Chris Hemsworth). The Avengers has already opened in 39 international markets and is breaking records, so far taking in $181.5 million in just 5 days. It opens in the U.S. this Friday.

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Play LaserTag against your SF heroes at Comicpalooza!

by on Apr.23, 2012, under Conventions, Fun Stuff, Movies, Television

Fancy the idea of taking up arms against some of your favorite heroes from SF film and television? Or fancy a blaster fight with a squad of Stormtroopers led by General Motti? (Hey, at least that last one should be easy…we know how well Stormtroopers shoot!)

Well, you might have your chance at Comicpalooza, in Houston May 25-27!

“The next best thing to being a sci-fi or action hero has to be shooting a sci-fi or action hero with a gun. Or maybe being shot by one,” says John Simons, founder and Chairman of Comicpalooza, the Texas International Comic Con. At least that’s the premise that led to the Badass Celebrity Smackdown, in which fans attending Comicpalooza May 25-27 will get their chance to pit themselves against stars of some of the biggest sci-fi and action franchises in Hollywood while helping US veterans at the same time.
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On The Shoulders of Giants – a British 50’s retro style sci-fi movie

by on Apr.20, 2012, under Movies

I learned of this directly from writer/director/producer Kenneth D. Barker: On the Shoulders of Giants is an independently produced British 1950s-style retro sci-fi film to be released this summer that he calls a “subtle homage to Forbidden Planet.” Check out the full description and trailer below.
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