General News
Author Fred Saberhagan passes away, with a few others
by Doc on Jul.05, 2007, under General News
Not a good couple weeks for the SF world. Well known author Fred Saberhagan passed away at the age of 77 on June 29th. The day before Sterling E. Lanier, writer, editor and sculptor, passed away at the age of 79. On June 21st, Doug Hill, writer and editor, was struck and killed by a bus in London.
Have dinner with Joss Whedon – if you’ve got the money
by Doc on Jun.29, 2007, under General News
Got some cash burning a hole in your pocket? (I wish…) Well, Joss Whedon is auctioning off himself – that is, for dinner. Joss will take 5 winning bidders out to dinner during Comic-Con. Money goes towards the charity Equality Now.
The Delphinus Intergalactic Parcel Service – now shipping to a planet near you!
by Doc on Jun.29, 2007, under General News
Got a package destined for Narn? Ferenginar? ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha? Well, let the DIPS handle it for you. That’s the Delphinus Intergalactic Parcel Service. Part sci-fi, part improv comedy, part cheesy FX – they make Plan 9 look like it was done by ILM in comparison – it has unionized androids, zombies, and pink hair. Check them out at D.I.P.S. Corp and check out the video following the crew of the DIPS Ship Upton. Even apply for a job! They have a 61% survival rating!
RECON 2022 & Deaden at Fantasia Film Festival.
by Doc on Jun.28, 2007, under General News
Movie Seals Productions writes “FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
MONTREAL, Canada, June 28, 2007
Movie Seals Productions is proud to announce that their latest sci-fi / action film “RECON 2022:The Mezzo Incident” and their critically acclaimed vigilante film “Deaden” will have their North American Premieres at the FanTasia Film Festival in Montreal, Canada.” We’ve reported on RECON 2022 before. Read More for more information.
Connectivity issues
by Doc on Jun.28, 2007, under General News
Several times in the past couple weeks Sci-Fi Storm has been unreachable. I’m still trying to determine the exact problem, but it appears that something is accessing the site and causing problems with the database. I haven’t been able to make the connection yet to exactly what is at fault, although I’ve blocked some IPs to be safe. There has also been an increase in spam submitted as articles, which fortunately you never see. I really need to replace the server AND the software…looks like I will be accelerating that schedule.
Need a reason to move to Japan? Cool DVD sets!
by Doc on Jun.26, 2007, under General News
TheThunderChild writes “Classic science fiction films are introduced to new generations by a few methods… but usually a parent who is a fan tries to get the kid interested. Some parents find that the premiums sold with new DVD sets – cool looking storage cases, or figurines – are a great way to intrigue a kid. In Japan, they really go to town: DPremiums/DVDpremiums.html is the URL for a photo essay on collectibles available to Japanese buyers of science fiction and horror DVDS.”
Babylon 5: The Lost Tales trailer online
by Doc on Jun.25, 2007, under General News
The trailer for the upcoming Babylon 5: The Lost Tales is now online at the official web site. The Lost Tales comes out July 31st.
Virgin adds all of Star Trek to new channel’s lineup
by Doc on Jun.22, 2007, under General News
Virgin Media, on a shopping frenzy for programming to fill up its new cable channel Virgin1, has bought the rights to the entire Star Trek franchise, although it is unclear if this is strictly TV series, or if it includes the movies – they list it at 624 hours of programming. Also acquired was the upcoming Sarah Connor Chronicles.
Interview with Book Agent, Overview of Gerry & Sylvia Anderson
by Doc on Jun.20, 2007, under General News
TheThunderChild writes “The latest offerings at The Thunder Child SF and Fantasy webzine feature an interview with John Jarrold, a British book agent who handles both American and British authors. We also have an overview of the Ouvre of Gerry & Sylvia Anderson, the masters of Superanimation and creators of such programs as The Thunderbirds and Stingray. Did you know Peter Cook and Dudley Moore did a 7-minute spoof of the show called “Superthunderstingcar?” Go to: and check out our Stop Press links for the articles.”
Script to the Sci-fi movie Pluto’s Plight
by Doc on Jun.14, 2007, under General News
[This article has been deleted – unfortunately the source no longer exists]