Archive for September, 2005
Loonatics Unleashed premieres Saturday
by Doc on Sep.15, 2005, under Television
This Saturday, Sept. 17th, sees the premiere of Warner Bros. futuristic makeover of the Looney Tunes characters, entitled “Loonatics Unleashed”. When initially announced, it wasn’t well received, but they pulled it back a bit and better explained the premise. And expect to hear some guest voices such as Tim Curry, Michael Clarke Duncan, and Florence Henderson. Read More for the full press release. In addition, there are several “secret coded” web sites you can visit:,,,, and Check you listings for your local Kids’ WB! Saturday morning lineup.
Niven, Pournelle Receive Heinlein Awards
by Doc on Sep.13, 2005, under General News
Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, authors who both separately and together have produced numerous SF novels and stories, received the Heinlein Awards, presented by the Heinlein Society, for “their lifetime achievements for outstanding published work in hard science fiction or technical writings inspiring the human exploration of space.”
New releases in the next few weeks
by Doc on Sep.08, 2005, under General News
I’ve updated the SF TV Store with several new releases coming out in the coming weeks. Of note:
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy in Widescreen and Fullscreen versions (9/13);
Andromeda Season 5 Collection 1 (9/20);
Battlestar Galactica Season 1 (9/20);
Farscape Season 2 Collection 3 (Starburst Edition) (10/4);
and the next two Doctor Who releases – “The Claws of Axos” and “City of Death” (11/8) (nothing on an R1 release of the new series). Also, just released this past week was MacGyver Season 3 (there was an error that caused the page to keep saying “Coming Soon” which is now fixed). An official web site for the DVD release is here.
“Emmy Idol” will feature Shatner, Star Trek theme
by Doc on Sep.06, 2005, under Television
This year’s Emmy Awards will feature something different – an American Idol-like competition of stars singing hit TV theme songs. Most will be as duets, with our beloved crooner William Shatner teaming up with opera singer Frederica von Stade to sing the Star Trek theme song (you did know there are words, didn’t you?) Megan Mullaly of Will and Grace will team us with Donald Trump for the Green Acres theme. Kristen Bell (Veronica Mars) is the only solo performer, doing “Fame”. Viewers will be able to pick their favorite performers online or via text message.
Administrivia: Expect some interruptions
by Doc on Sep.04, 2005, under General News
Although Sci-Fi Storm won’t be directly affected, some of the subsidiary sites, like the stores and the beta site (I will get working on it again…I want it done but I’m far off) may be down for some time during the next couple of weeks. I’m putting in larger hard drives into my home server, along with an OS upgrade (Fedora Core 4 from Red Hat 9) and hopefully more memory. I’ve already built it out on a spare box so the drives can just be swapped in – at least that’s the theory – as soon as I have the time. Then later this month I’m also upgrading to Verizon’s FIOS service from DSL which will more than double my upload speed, but it will probably be out for several hours during the upgrade.
CoMers: CoMers Episode 10: Assault is live
by Doc on Sep.03, 2005, under General News
tgreco writes “Hey everybody, episode 10 is finally in the can as they say, and can be viewed here
we tried something a little different with the dialogue sync, so let us know if its better worse or what… if it’s working better, we’ll go back and resync the dialogue on all the episodes
with episode 10, we’ve hit the 2/3 mark in completing the series, so let us know how we’re doing so far
thanks again, and as always
Stay Tuned”
Serenity site updated
by Doc on Sep.02, 2005, under Movies
The official web site for the upcoming Serenity has been updated with a new look, and you can even join the Browncoats, put together a crew, get access to insider information, and gain credits towards merchandise. Also, two trailers are available (Trailer 1: WMV 128k, 300k, 700k; QT: 128k, 300k, 700k) (Trailer 2 WMV: 128k, 300k, 700k; QT: 128k, 300k, 700k) Serenity opens up September 30th.