Sci-Fi Storm

New Sci Fi Novel – black box, book one of volume 1

by on Feb.12, 2007, under Books

Gary “Chris” Christopherson writes “In just two weeks on February 25th, I will be self-publishing “black box”, book one of volume 1 of the Conversion series. Book 1 will
be available as a FREE DOWNLOAD only for personal, individual use. The series, the first volume and the first two books are copyrighted.
All rights are reserved. The website for the download is”
Read More for the rest of the information and an excerpt.

“Together, “black box” and its companion book “conversion code” are the first volume in what is intended to be the “Conversion” series. This sci-fi series explores a mysterious and powerful black box and its enormous impact on the world’s people and their politics, religions, science and militaries. “Conversionists” and “anti-conversionists” engage in aggressive struggle for the black box’s potentially unlimited power and the human race’s future. Moving amongst them is the quiet shepherd, keeper of the black box. [See brief excerpt below.]

For receiving the free download, the reader will be asked to return the favor in the form of a “good deed”, some act of kindness in keeping with the book’s message.

The decision to make book one available at no cost (except for the ?good deed?) was made in order to get the book?s message out as quickly and broadly as possible. The message is ?maximize our potential as human beings, not by quick, easy technological fixes, but by growing through life?s challenges and opportunities and by ?doing the good that must be done?. Therein lays our greatest potential to live at peace on, beyond and with Earth.?

A decision on how best to publish book two, which is entitled conversion code and in final editing, will be made, in part, based on reader feedback.

For further information, contact:

Author – Gary ?Chris? Christopherson
University Park, Maryland 20782
Email: GChris AT
Phone: 301-318-3760

Brief Excerpt from ?Chapter 12. Conversionists?

Politics continue to play a big part in the black box’s fate. As the conversionists and anticonversionists both grow in number and power, politicians feel increasingly trapped in this “lose, lose” situation.

Now, many anticonversionists embrace the view that the box has probably been on Earth for some time. Along with that, they believe that the black box was used in that distant past. They see the black box as the devil’s hand reaching into Eden. Without the black box, many believe that God’s original plan would be in place and ?Eden? would exist. For them, the black box is the source of original sin or the result of it.

To the conversionists, the black box is the equivalent of the “holy grail” and sought with the same fervor. The government’s hiding of the box is no less an outrage than a wall around Jerusalem. Conversionists demand access to the black box. They demand the right to conversion. Court suits are filed. Laws guaranteeing access to the box are introduced. The pressure to bring the black box out into the open grows quickly.

Already, politicians on each side of the issue have won and lost elections on this issue. For most of them, they wish the box never existed. There was a time when the destruction of the box was an easy solution. No longer. Now the ramifications of its destruction are potentially as great as its being accessible to the public.”

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