Sci-Fi Storm

Archive for December 16th, 2010

On Syfy (and other networks) canceling beloved shows…

by on Dec.16, 2010, under Television

Having actually met and spoken with at an informal level the management at Syfy, I have a new found respect for the tough decisions they have to make.

That doesn’t mean I like the decisions. I can just understand them. I can’t understand why the cast weren’t informed properly, but that’s a different issue.

I keep seeing the same questions – why don’t you take into account digital downloads, DVD sales, etc. The fact is they just don’t count. A network does not make any money on those things – those go to the production company, which is NOT the same as the network. It’s like this:
(continue reading…)

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And the winner is…

by on Dec.16, 2010, under Sci-Fi Storm

The winner in our BBC America DVD pack giveaway is Republibot! Congrats and thanks to everyone who participated! I only started using Twitter recently, and it’s becoming such an important news distribution system where followers and retweets are very important. Hopefully we can continue to build it and grow that way…its given me renewed interest in continuing and I’ve got some interesting ideas for the future…is there another 10 years here?

Stay tuned for future giveaways!

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Stargate Universe canceled

by on Dec.16, 2010, under Television

Shock is raging across the galaxies as Syfy has canceled Stargate Universe, which just broke out on Twitter via and was confirmed by Syfy. The Twitterverse is going to burn down, methinks…I was liking SGU more and more this season. The final 10 episodes will still be aired next Spring. Given no announcement of another Stargate series, this will end an 8 year unbroken run of Stargate on Syfy, and THIRTEEN years since the debut of Stargate SG-1 on Showtime.

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