Sci-Fi Storm

Archive for June 12th, 2011

Director’s commentary on River Song’s big reveal – SPOILERS

by on Jun.12, 2011, under Television

So, now that the world knows who River Song is – at least if you’ve seen “A Good Man Goes To War” – here is a bit of the director’s commentary from the scene we’ve been waiting for for years. MAJOR SPOILER WARNING: This shows that scene in tandem with the director, so if you haven’t seen the episode yet, be sure to watch it FIRST.

I can tell you in general that Steven Moffat is an evil genius though. Part of what is happening has been an idea of his for 16 years – a line River says stems almost word for word from a UseNet post he made in 1995…and the episode teases a number of times at some of the theories that have popped up over who River is…
(continue reading…)

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