Sci-Fi Storm

Archive for November 13th, 2012

Eick: Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome “never intended” for TV series

by on Nov.13, 2012, under Television

On a conference call Friday, producer David Eick talked about Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome, where the first two webisodes went online Friday. And he wasn’t too happy about the characterization that it was a “failed pilot”.

“I feel like there’s a certain record to set straight which was a little bit frustrating to me a few months ago when I saw the headlines that the Blood & Chrome project had somehow been rejected or was a failed pilot or wasn’t going to make it on the air,” he said. “It was never intended to be a traditional pilot, so to speak, such that Syfy not picking it up in a traditional manner to an episodic series was some kind of a rejection or failure. It was always developed at least from my point of view as a project for an online environment. And there’s something that we would develop and structurally, narratively build as a ten-part sort of a series.

“Kind of like the Raiders of the Lost Ark style, adapted to the 1930s style movie serials where you have ten minutes of story and a cliffhanger followed by ten minutes of story and the cliffhanger. And then after ten of these episodes, it would all kind of resolve itself in a pre-act structure as a whole movie. And so when I set out to develop this, my thinking was to design a mission, so to speak.
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Syfy gives Ghost Hunters 9th season; original movie ’12 Disasters of Christmas

by on Nov.13, 2012, under Television

Syfy released a couple of announcements today…first up, Ghost Hunters, Syfy’s longest-running original reality series, returns for a ninth season this winter. Sixteen all-new season 9 episodes are slated to premiere beginning January 16, 2013 at 9 PM ET/PT.

Second, just in time for the joyous holiday season, the new Syfy Original Movie ’12 Disasters of Christmas takes on the ancient Mayan prophecy of worldwide destruction at the end of 2012, airing Saturday, December 8th, at 9PM (ET/PT).

More information on both below.
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