Sci-Fi Storm

Archive for November 21st, 2012

Kasdan reportedly approached to write Star Wars script

by on Nov.21, 2012, under Movies

We already know Michael Arndt is penning the first of three planned Star Wars sequels – now it appears that Disney is reaching back to the past and asking Lawrence Kasdan to write on of the others, according to Deadline.

Kadsan wrote the scripts for both The Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi along with Raiders Of The Lost Ark, so this could harken back to the “glory days” of the franchise.

Disney is eager to get moving on the franchise, so they appear to be approaching the writers early to get the ball rolling.

Deadline also says that Simon Kinberg, who wrote X-Men: The Last Stand and Sherlock Holmes and is currently working on X-Men: Days Of Future Past has been approached for the other script.

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