Tag: delete
Seth Green joins Delete mini-series by Stargate franchise scribes Mallozi and Mullie
by Doc on Aug.17, 2012, under Television
Actgor and Robot Chicken creator Seth Green has joined the mini-series Delete, which is being penned by Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie, who wrote and produced for all three installments of the Stargate TV franchise. Delete is being directed by Steve Barron (the Merlin mini-series and the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie), produced by Brightlight Pictures and distributed by Sonar Entertainment. No outlet has been announced as of yet.
Delete is about “what happens when the web becomes dangerously self-aware with one systematic purpose: to destroy mankind. Faced with extinction, there is only one way out, to create a second artificial intelligence that’s equally alive, intelligent and dangerous.”
Cast members also include Keir Gilchrist (United States of Tara), Matt Frewer (Watchmen, Eureka, Max Headroom), Janet Kidder (Continuum), Erin Karpluk (Being Erica, Life Unexpected), Gil Bellows (Ally McBeal, Flash Forward) and Ryan Robbins (Sanctuary, Falling Skies).