Tag: hulk
Comic-Con: Chuck‘s mom, whoda Hulk; Starbuck
by Doc on Jul.25, 2010, under Comics, Conventions, Television
A couple more tidbits (probably the last, until the chaos is digested): Chuck is gonna get a mom – and she is more than a match for his Dad, Scott Bakula – none other than Terminator-killer Linda Hamilton. Gone-toting bad-ass mercenary mom, anyone? Also, the “Guess who (or Who) is now over, with Mark Ruffalo getting the role for the upcoming The Avengers feature. And finally, Ronald D. Moore spoke about what Starbuck was: although intentionally left nebulous (the more specific he got when writing, “the less interesting she became”) Moore saw her as a godlike entity but didn’t like to be called God, having gone through a resurrection of sorts.
Some Doctors possibly getting some new roles
by Doc on Jul.16, 2010, under Movies
First among the rumors, there is the possibility that David Tennant could take over the apparently vacant role of Bruce Banner/The Hulk in The Avengers; now there is a rumor, although not necessarily a high confidence one yet, that 7th Doctor Sylvester McCoy has been cast in a role in The Hobbit, possibly in the role of Bilbo Baggins – a role he lost out to Ian Holm for The Lord Of The Rings. Lending credence to this is the fact that McCoy is 12 years younger than Holm, and the role is for a younger (relatively, in halfling years) Bilbo…
Norton will not Hulk up for Avengers
by Doc on Jul.12, 2010, under Comics, Movies
It appears that the big green guy’s alter ego will get a new face for the upcoming Avengers multi-superhero movie. Marvel has announced that Ed Norton will not return to the role of Bruce Banner that he himself took over from Eric Bana for The Incredible Hulk, with the producers opting to recast the role, alluding to wanting someone who might work better in an ensemble. Norton’s agent issued his own statement calling Marvel’s statement “offensive” and saying that Norton was “enthusiastic at the prospect of being a part of the ensemble cast.”