Sci-Fi Storm

Tag: rama

David Fincher mentions Rendezvous With Rama again, and not in a good way

by on Dec.20, 2011, under Movies

In an interview with MTV (audio available here), director David Fincher talks about Girl With The Dragon Tattoo), along with some of his upcoming projects. Mentioned very briefly is the long-dormant Rendezvous With Rama (which we last mentioned in 2008, and it was pretty dead then), and it wasn’t a good mention. When asked if the interviewer should keep asking about it (around the 14:40 mark), he said, “You should drop that…it’s great, it’s just…a really hard, expensive movie…talk about having the bones have been picked clean by so many other stories.”

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Top 10 SF movies never made?

by on May.13, 2010, under Movies

With David Fincher taking a further step away from the long-smoldering Rendezvous With Rama epic, SCI FI Wire has come up with a list of the 10 most awesome sci-fi movies that never were … so far. Along with Arthur C. Clarke’s Rama and Childhood’s End, there are some other long-awaited classics (The Stars My Destination), but also more recent and questionable entries – apparently Ghostbusters 3 isn’t as sure as we were led to believe – and “most awesome” would really have to wait until we know the story, I’d think…what are some of the other announced epics that seem to have vanished? Ringworld? Has Foundation entered production yet? What other sagas are you waiting for (or at least, still waiting for a good adaptation)?

Update: thanks to decipher_saint for pointing out that the link was completely botched…

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