More Potter books planned?
by Doc on Oct.22, 2002, under General News
Something is afoot at Hogwarts – well, Warner Brothers. A British newspaper is reporting that WB has applied to the UK Patent(?) Office for the rights to Harry Potter and the Pyramids of Furmat, Harry Potter and the Chariots of Light and Harry Potter and the Alchemist’s Cell. We know there were to be 7 books originally, and the 5th is titled Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. This could mean that 10 books in total may be written – but not necessarily by J.K. Rowling. says the agent is denying any additional books, and none of the names would be used.
October 22nd, 2002 on 9:15 pm
lots of reasons to register besides books
Ignoring for a moment the possibility that WB is simply going to franchise the book series to other authors once Rowling stops, look at how many Star Wars videogames there are. Or maybe they’ve decided the books became too dark, or too long to film, and they’re going to film their own short attention span stories. Maybe they’re going to do animated features. At any rate, HP is a franchise now even if Rowling has the right to stop other authors from writing HP books, so you’ve got to expect stuff besides books to be published, even with other names.