Sci-Fi Storm

Children of Dune starts tonight…

by on Mar.16, 2003, under Television

Fire up your TiVos, set your VCR clocks, do whatever you need – Children of Dune begins tonight at 9pm EST, and for the next two nights. And you can catch up on Dune today starting at 3pm EST.

3 Comments for this entry

  • rlrr

    What’s the deal with the eyes?

    Anyone else notice the blue was missng in a lot of scenes?

    • Anonymous Coward

      Re:What’s the deal with the eyes?

      looks like they made it most noticable in the dark. Its been a long time since I read the books, but I don’t recall the eyes actually _glowing_ blue:)

      • rlrr

        Re:What’s the deal with the eyes?

        If anything it was the opposite. In the books, the whites of the eyes were a dark blue.

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