The Core “dumb fun”
by Doc on Mar.28, 2003, under Movies
I read a review of The Core in a newspaper this morning, which actually was fairly positive. I also came across this review on that maybe is overall negative, but they used the same phrase – “Dumb Fun”. So maybe this at least rates a DVD rental for me. If you go to see it, drop a review here…
March 29th, 2003 on 3:01 pm
Not bad
Not bad, save for the liberties with the laws of physics/geophysics, and computers.
March 30th, 2003 on 3:02 pm
better then I expected actually
Better then I expected, but suspend your disbelief, otherwise you could end up going MST3K on the movie with their liberal use of ‘science’
March 31st, 2003 on 5:39 am
geek trends
From the previews, it looks awfull. But I’ve noticed and interresting change in the previews: They used to have a geek say that to “hack the planet” (barf) he’ll need hot pockets and Star Trek tapes. Now it says he needs hot pockets and spongebob tapes.
This, to me, says that the movie is SO bad that they need to keep their finger on the pulse of the trendy geeks in order to attract the hip yungins. Kinda pathetic really…