Sci-Fi Storm

Prince Caspian next Narnia

by on Jan.10, 2006, under Movies

With the success of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe (which came on second behind Hostel this week, beating King Kong again, and could become Disney’s highest-grossing live-action movie of all time), work is beginning on the next installment, Prince Caspian. It appears they will follow the order generally recommended, as opposed to the “chronological order”, which would have started with The Magician’s Nephew. This makes sense since you’d want to do the stories that deal with the same characters done together so they don’t age too much, and some stories like The Magician’s Nephew and The Horse and His Boy don’t share characters (at least ones where you’d have human actors) to any great extent as they are more separate stories. And C.S. Lewis has already solved the potential casting problems – new kids rotate in for the later stories…

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