Sci-Fi Storm

Connectivity issues

by on Jun.28, 2007, under General News

Several times in the past couple weeks Sci-Fi Storm has been unreachable. I’m still trying to determine the exact problem, but it appears that something is accessing the site and causing problems with the database. I haven’t been able to make the connection yet to exactly what is at fault, although I’ve blocked some IPs to be safe. There has also been an increase in spam submitted as articles, which fortunately you never see. I really need to replace the server AND the software…looks like I will be accelerating that schedule.

2 Comments for this entry

  • chad


    Will you still be using the Slash software?

    • Doc


      No, I really don’t see any need to continue using Slashcode. Its bloated and hard to customize, and there are all sorts of things I want to do with the site. Also, Slashcode development appears to be at a trickle.

      I myself am a web programmer among other things, well versed in both Perl and PHP, and have been VERY SLOWLY writing my own software which will in some respects be similar but in other respects allow for a shift in how things are done. Plus, because I will have written it, it will be fully customizable. There is a beta site, but its been broken for a bit as I’ve made some changes to the theme in a test that isn’t compatible with with the default. I’ve also had a dozen other projects, plus my normal work, to get done, so I haven’t touched the code in months.

      I’m also considering a shift from PHP (current) to possibly Ruby (cool, Perl-like, and easy to develop using Rails) or back to Perl (using Catalyst, which uses a model similar to Rails). Haven’t decided yet.

      I also keep flip-flopping on whether I want to continue using an XML/XSLT-based object model for everything, or just some components.

      Indecisions, indecisions.

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