Sci-Fi Storm

The Dark Crystal 25th Anniversary Soundtrack review

by on Sep.18, 2007, under Audio

The Dark Crystal – 25th Anniversary Edition came out last month on DVD. Haven’t gotten a copy yet, but I need to – after having listened to the The Dark Crystal – 25th Anniversary Original Soundtrack and realizing how familiar the music was for a film I haven’t seen in almost a quarter century. Read More for a brief review.

I’m not much of a music reviewer (if a reviewer at all :)), mainly because I don’t get to listen to it as much as I used to, so I tend to be very selective of what I do listen to – lately, its mostly tech podcasts. It was nice to train the ears on something else for a change.

First, its been MANY years since I’ve seen the movie. It was probably when it was shown on HBO after its theatrical release. Not that I didn’t want to watch it – but it just doesn’t seem to receive any airtime. It was Jim Henson’s first real attempt at something totally separate from his Muppet franchise, featuring neither humans or familiar muppets.

Imagine my surprise with how familiar this music was to me. Perhaps not too surprising – I probably watched the movie a dozen times back then, whenever it was on, and I was a D&D player back then so a fantasy movie fit right in. This music brought back all those memories (which is why I need to go and get the DVD now (and I’ve got my first edition D&D manuals around here somewhere…)

The overall theme from Trevor Jones travels pretty much throughout the entire soundtrack, with a few exceptions. This sweeping melody is what I remember the most. The variations go with the mood of the film – more imposing with the Skekses, gentler with the Gelflings.

Some tracks that break from the theme include the first part of “The Funerals/Jen’s Journey”, with a heavy organ reminiscent of The Phantom of the Opera, and “The Pod Dance”, which has a root in Irish dance music with wood pipes and a fast tempo.

Overall, the gentle theme might make this appropriate bedtime music for my kids…not because it would put me to sleep, but because they have taken a liking to more classical themes – and they are more likely to go to sleep listening to this than High School Musical 2.

Now, if I could just get through all my podcasts so I can listen to this more…

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