Sci-Fi Storm

50 hours of live action Star Wars TV series already filmed? Not so fast…

by on May.25, 2011, under Television

So, remember that live action Star Wars series that George Lucas announced many moons ago, where he was planning 100 episodes but planned to have 50 or 60 in the can before bringing it to air? And then the project got shelved due to it being too expensive? Well, there has been lots of reports based on an interview George did for Attack Of The Show as part of the Star Tours re-opening and Star Wars 3D announcements that he said they have 50 hours already filmed – but it seemed very odd to me that they could have 50 hours filmed and then say that they need to figure out a way to make it cheaper. So I watched the interview, and he never actually says that it has been filmed – only that they “have 50 hours,” and that they are trying to figure out a way to make it “economically feasible to shoot the show.” That sounds to me like they’ve got scripts and perhaps some pre-production work done, but no actual filming.

Watch and decide for yourself:


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